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State Resources
One number – thousands of services. 2-1-1 is a statewide directory of over 5000 resources, including agency services and support groups. 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember number that connects people who want to give help or get help with a full range of health and human services in their community.
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)
Offer older adult home-based care services, support for caregivers, senior information counselors, meals on wheels, adult day care, child care, plus many other services. Maine has five AAAs.
Aroostook Area Agency on Aging – Serving Aroostook County.
Eastern Area Agency on Aging – Serving Penobscot, Piscataquis, Washington, and Hancock Counties.
Spectrum Generations – Serving Somerset, Kennebec, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties.
Seniors Plus – Serving Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford Counties.
Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging – Serving York and Cumberland Counties.
Dirigo Pines
Dirigo Pines, a University of Maine Center on Aging partner, is a comprehensive Retirement Community in Orono, Maine, with one story cottages and an Inn that includes apartments and assisted living suites.
Legal Services for the Elderly
Provides free, legal assistance to socially and economically needy Maine residents age 60 and older.
Maine Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
A Swedish word, Ombudsman (pronounced om-budz-man) is a specially trained advocate who is given authority under federal and Maine law to investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, long-term care consumers.
Office of Aging and Disability Services
Serves older adults, their families and people with disabilities. Included on this page are links to information on the many programs the office is responsible for, policy information, and information of interest to service providers in the state.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
Opened in the fall of 1997 as the first program for Maine people, 55 and older. Members devise the curriculum and enroll in non-credit classes taught by peers, primarily retired faculty from USM and other institutions. OLLI provides support for the Maine Lifelong Learning Network which includes senior college programs around the state of Maine offering education opportunities for Mainers over 55.
MCOA is a broad, membership-based network of over 60 organizations and businesses working to promote the safety, independence and well-being of all older adults in Maine, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Dirigo Maine is a chapter of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), a not-for-profit organization of nearly 6,000 health professionals devoted to improving the health, independence and quality of life of all older people. The Society provides leadership to healthcare professionals, policy makers and the public by implementing and advocating for programs in patient care, research, professional and public education, and public policy.
National Resources
Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association provides caregiver resources, chapter locations, and treatment and research information.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
Nonprofit association dedicated to shaping and enriching the experience of aging for all its members and for all Americans.
American Society on Aging
National network of professionals in the field of aging.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CMS runs the Medicare and Medicaid programs – two national health care programs that benefit about 75 million Americans.
Road Scholar
The nation’s first and the world’s largest educational and travel organization for adults 55 and over.
Family Caregiver Alliance
This national organization provides resources to help those who care for disabled or frail elders. Includes information on managing Alzheimer’s disease, tax issues, work and eldercare, an online support group, and much more.
Gerontological Society of America
Established in 1945 to promote the scientific study of aging, to encourage exchanges among researchers and practitioners from various disciplines related to gerontology, and to foster the use of gerontological research in forming public policy.
Generations United
The only national membership organization focused solely on promoting intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies.
National Council on Aging
The nation’s first association of organizations and professionals dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons.
National Institute on Aging
The Federal government’s principal agency for conducting and supporting biomedical, social, and behavioral research on the aging process and the diseases and special problems of older people.
Administration on Aging
This Federal agency provides home and community-based services to millions of the nation’s vulnerable and hard-to-reach older persons through the programs funded under the Older Americans Act. AoA programming aims to help older adults live independently in their communities.