PVSC Winter Zoom Courses and One-day Presentations
Registration is open now for 2025 PVSC Membership dues–same cost as in the past, and any donations you wish to pay before the end of the year.
Attached is the link to the PVSC three Winter Zoom courses, with the first one beginning Jan. 9th.
Included on the listings is the information about our one-day presentations (ODP) that are free with 2025 membership with the one hybrid presentation beginning Jan. 7th.
You may register online at penobscotvalleyseniorcollege.org or https://pvsc.myrec.com/info/default.aspx beginning Wednesday December 4th at 7:00 AM, or mail in the attached registration form with a check PVSC Winter 2025 Courses and ODP Listings 12-2-24.pdf
We hope our current 2024 members will register now for our 2025 membership year, which runs Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2025, even if you can’t take a winter course. Our membership dues help with any ongoing expenses.
Starting Jan. 7th, we are providing five of the free-with-2025 membership one-day presentations now, and will have additional ODP offerings in May, as well as our Spring, Summer Extravaganza and Fall courses, so now is the time to get your registration in before we introduce our new website in January.
With many people trying to think of gifts for the 50+ “Active Ager”, we suggest you give the gift of a 2025 PVSC membership, or ask family members to give you the gift of “Learning for the Fun of It!