Lifelong Communities

Age-friendly, livable communities where all ages and abilities can thrive.

The University of Maine Center on Aging’s Lifelong Communities programs support place-based efforts to become great places for people of all ages to live, work, play, and do business. We believe that communities should provide safe, walkable streets; age-friendly housing and transportation options; access to needed services; and opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to lead active, healthy, and engaged lives.

Lifelong Communities are inclusive and respectful of every generation. Throughout Maine, counties, regions, cities, and towns are tapping into the wisdom and experience of older residents to develop strong communities for toddlers, centenarians, and everyone in-between.

One way that communities structure their efforts to become more age-inclusive is by joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities (link to AARP NAFSC website). More than 80 Maine communities are members of the AARP Network. Another 50+ use a similar framework but have not officially joined the network. All are equally supported by the UMaine Center on Aging. These data highlight some of the state-wide community impacts.

Programs to Support Lifelong Communities

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